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The Ultimate Guide To Herbs That Grow Well Together

The Ultimate Guide to Herbs That Grow Well Together

Herbs are a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your meals, and they can also be beautiful additions to your garden. But did you know that some herbs grow better together than others? In this blog post, we will discuss the best herbs to plant together, as well as some tips for companion planting.

Why should you plant herbs together?

There are a few reasons why you might want to plant herbs together. First, companion planting can help to attract beneficial insects and pollinators to your garden. For example, planting herbs like basil, chives, and mint can help to attract ladybugs, which are natural predators of pests like aphids.

Second, companion planting can help to deter pests. For example, planting mint near tomatoes can help to repel nematodes, which are a type of soil-dwelling pest that can damage tomato roots.

Third, companion planting can help to improve the flavor of your herbs. For example, planting basil near tomatoes can help to enhance the sweetness of the tomatoes.

What are some herbs that grow well together?

Here are some of the best herbs to plant together:

  • Basil and tomatoes: Basil and tomatoes are a classic companion planting combination. Basil helps to repel pests that can damage tomatoes, and it also helps to enhance the flavor of the tomatoes.
  • Chives and carrots: Chives help to repel carrot flies, which are a common pest of carrots. They also help to improve the flavor of carrots.
  • Dill and cabbage: Dill helps to repel cabbage moths, which are a common pest of cabbage. It also helps to improve the flavor of cabbage.
  • Lavender and roses: Lavender helps to repel aphids, which are a common pest of roses. It also helps to deter deer and rabbits from eating roses.
  • Marjoram and oregano: Marjoram and oregano are both Mediterranean herbs that grow well in similar conditions. They can be planted together in the same garden bed or container.
  • Parsley and beans: Parsley helps to improve the flavor of beans and also helps to deter bean beetles.
  • Rosemary and thyme: Rosemary and thyme are both Mediterranean herbs that grow well in similar conditions. They can be planted together in the same garden bed or container.

Tips for companion planting

When companion planting, it is important to consider the needs of the different herbs you are planting. Some herbs have different water and sunlight requirements, so it is important to plant them in areas that will meet their specific needs. It is also important to consider the size of the herbs when planting them together. Some herbs, like mint, can be invasive, so it is important to plant them in containers or areas where they can spread without taking over the garden.


Planting herbs together can be a great way to improve the health and productivity of your garden. By following the tips in this blog post, you can create a beautiful and productive herb garden that will provide you with fresh herbs for years to come.

Are you looking to start an herb garden? If so, you'll need to know which herbs grow well together. Some herbs, like mint, can be invasive if planted too close together. Others, like basil and tomatoes, can actually help each other grow.

To find out which herbs are the best companions for each other, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki. This website has a comprehensive chart of herbs that grow well together. You can also find information about the growing conditions of each herb, so you can make sure you're giving them the best possible care.

In addition to the chart, Garden Wiki also has a blog with articles on a variety of herb gardening topics. You can find tips on planting, harvesting, and storing herbs, as well as recipes for using your homegrown herbs in the kitchen.

So if you're ready to start growing your own herbs, be sure to visit Garden Wiki. You'll find everything you need to know to create a thriving herb garden.

Image of herbs that grow well together chart

Here are 5 different images of "herbs that grow well together chart" from Pinterest:

  • Image 1: This chart shows a variety of herbs that can be planted together, along with their benefits. For example, basil, oregano, and thyme are all Mediterranean herbs that can be planted together because they have similar growing requirements. Planting oregano alongside basil and tarragon may also help prevent pests.
  • Image 2: This chart shows a more detailed look at the benefits of companion planting herbs. For example, basil attracts pollinators, which can help to improve the pollination of other plants in your garden. Mint can help to repel pests, and chives can help to improve the flavor of tomatoes.
  • Image 3: This chart shows a variety of herbs that can be planted together in containers. For example, rosemary, thyme, and lavender are all drought-tolerant herbs that can be planted together in a sunny spot. Mint and basil can also be planted together in a container, but they should be planted in separate pots because they can be invasive.
  • Image 4: This chart shows a variety of herbs that can be planted together in a vegetable garden. For example, basil can be planted near tomatoes to help deter pests. Oregano can be planted near beans to help improve their nitrogen fixation. And mint can be planted near carrots to help repel carrot flies.
  • Image 5: This chart shows a variety of herbs that can be planted together in a flower garden. For example, lavender can be planted near roses to help deter pests. Mint can be planted near marigolds to help repel mosquitoes. And rosemary can be planted near lavender to help improve the fragrance of both plants.

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